Boynton Beach Business Coach

Our business is helping you. Our success is tied to how well we can help you succeed.

Helping You Grow as a Leader!

Searching for a Boynton Beach business coach? You’re not alone. Thousands of small business owners just like you turn to business coaches every single year, and for good reason. The problems you experienced when you started your company are gone. You’re a success! Congratulations. With the growth of any business, though, comes an entirely new set of problems, and while they won’t stop you, they’re certainly going to slow your growth. 

With the help of AMB Performance Group, the premiere Boynton Beach business coaching team, though, you’re going to get back on track quickly. 

Growth Club member putting on her name tag.

It’s So Much More than Problem Solving

You know what problems your company is facing. You know how to solve them. You have a deep understanding of what gives your company a competitive edge in your market. Most business owners do. The point at which many struggle is once you leave one phase of your company’s growth. Once you enter the next phase you can struggle with how to balance function, operation, and planning for the future all at the same time. Even if you were great through the last phase of company growth, you may not know how to move forward and scale up. That’s where we can really make a difference. 

At AMB Performance Group, we work to help you develop the leadership skills you need to become the business owner you truly want to be. You’ve achieved your initial goal – starting a great business, but who do you turn to for advice and strength as you deal with the problems that growth inevitably creates?

Contact AMB Performance Group to answer any of your questions about business coaching, or set up an appointment.

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Profit Club

AMB Performance Group developed Profit Club utilizing the “5 Ways Accelerator” process to help you focus on five core areas of business development.

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Group Coaching

AMB Performance Group 1 on 1 Coaching allows you to gain great knowledge, expand your education and gain a greater understanding of accountability.

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1 on 1 Business Coaching

1 on 1 Coaching focuses solely on you. An accelerated program to help develop and execute long and short-term goals.

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What can a business coach do for you?

Good coaching isn’t just reading you some advice, asking you some self-discovery questions, and pushing you in the direction of the right answer. While having the knowledge that good leadership books can offer you is important, our Boynton beach business coach looks at things differently. We don’t offer template-based coaching. Instead, our approach is based on listening to you. Sure, we have a few tried and true strategies that work well in most settings, but our initial sessions focus on becoming your partner – the one person you can turn to better explore your ideas and map out a strategy toward success. 

We’ve worked with many other Boynton Beach companies. In fact, we’re all business owners ourselves. That experience of being on the ground and listening to hundreds of other business owners who have also been in your shoes means you get the benefit of all of that experience in one place. We’ve felt those growing pains. We’ve worked with others who have experienced those same situations. Now we can talk you through things. 

Boynton beach business coach

Maybe the most valuable service we provide, though, is the development of leadership skills. If you’re going to grow as a leader, you’re going to need a catalyst. You don’t just need someone working to get to the root of your current problems so you can solve them. Instead, you need someone who will hold you accountable for real change in your life, and at AMB Performance Group, that’s exactly what we do. 

During every session, we’ll offer you honest feedback that is completely unbiased. Many business owners spend their days doing what they’re good at, which can mean you avoid anything outside of your comfort zone. Our sessions push you outside of that comfort zone and give you the feedback you need to create change that leads to growth. 

Using our ActionCoach tools to help you set SMART goals, we’ll help you become more proactive while supporting your growth as a leader. We’ll help you develop a plan for situations you may have yet to encounter. We’ll even help you expand your network and build the confidence you need to increase profitability in your company. With AMB on your side, you’ll begin to make your bigger visions for your company a reality. 

If you’re interested in a Boynton Beach business coach who can help create change in your company, we’re here to listen. Contact us today for more.

  • Q

    Is it worth investing in a business coach?


    The statistics seem to agree. The firm Korn Ferry International researched just that question and found that after introducing business coaching, 96% of organizations reported individual performance improvements, and 92% said they believed that their leadership effectiveness and management skills improved. Similarly, Merill C. Anderson, a Ph.D. at MerixGlobal performed a case study and found that executive coaching produced a 788% return on investment. Of course, some of the biggest returns can be on the intangibles – such as life and business balance. We guarantee to find our fee inside the first 17 weeks and will only work with you if we see a 3x return on your investment in the first year. That’s just the minimum though, we are confident that if we are a good fit for you and your business, then we can achieve much more than that. But again, the return is good, but the shift in how you feel about the status of you’re business—that’s unquantifiable.

  • Q

    What questions should I ask a prospective business coach?

    1. How much experience do you have?
    2. What is your vision of success for a client?
    3. What are your top three values?
    4. Do you have plans that will fit my needs?
    5. What timeline do you think I’m looking at in terms of what I want to achieve?
    6. What certifications do you have?
    7. Why are you a business coach?
    8. What separates you from other business coaches?
    9. What is your preferred method of communication?
    10. What are some of your previous results?
  • Q

    What do online business coaches do?


    First, we have a discovery call where we try to get a sense of the kind of help that you’re looking for, your pain points, and if we think our services are a good fit for your situation. Then, if we choose to proceed, then we’ll have a standing appointment with you—usually weekly—to create specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound goals and check in on them. We believe coaching offers and helps you build a path to being a better leader, with concrete checkpoints along the way. At one point, you created a vision for your business. But with growth and time, that vision may have changed, or you may feel that it’s ready to change. We help you realize that vision or help mold the new one. One part support, one part teacher, one part motivator.

  • Q

    Do you need a business coach?


    In the end, only you can answer that, but here are some things to ask yourself when considering the decision. Are you feeling stuck, indecisive, or without good sources of advice? Are you nervous that you’ll take the wrong step when trying to bring your company to the next level? Would you value an outside unbiased point of view? Do you feel yourself getting sucked into an unchallenging routine of comfort? Are you seeking accountability? Would your business benefit from your expanded network? Do you know your weaknesses? If so, are you actively doing something to combat them? Are you looking for clarity? Are you a small business? Medium business? If any or all of those sound like you, then it’s worth looking into. Not saying you must need a business coach if you answered yes, but it’s worth having some initial conversations.

    Ask yourself this question, why do the most elite athletes in the world have a coach? Because no matter where you are, having someone looking in can always make you better.

  • Q

    Who is a good candidate for coaching?


    Like many things, coaching is not for everyone. There’s no magic potion! Growing a business requires an open mind, stamina, and a willingness to learn and take some measured risks. Simply put: it’s hard work, and you have to be ready to leave ego at the door in order to have an open mind to learn.

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There is no greater reward, than the success of our clients.

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