Business Coach for Entrepreneurs
Our business is helping you. Our success is tied to how well we can help you succeed.
Maximizing Your Potential
Entrepreneurship and the Importance of Good Coaching
There are many reasons people choose to become entrepreneurs. Whether their creativity level simply outpaces that in corporate culture, they want a lifestyle that isn’t the typical nine to five, or they’re just passionate about something different, entrepreneurship is the ideal for many different kinds of people. Despite that fact, though, entrepreneurial ventures don’t always succeed, and the difference between success and failure in this setting is often designed by the kind of help an entrepreneur gets from the very start. Sound familiar? If you’re considering becoming an entrepreneur or you’re already there and you want to take the necessary steps to redefine success, the single best thing you can do for yourself is to choose a good business coach for entrepreneurs.
Understanding the Role of a Business Coach
Not familiar with the concept? A business coach is someone who can assist and guide any business owner as they work to build a stronger company. Coaching in this sense is essentially taking a business from its present state to a state where it achieves the owner’s overall goals and visions.
We act as a coach that is like a mentor or partner. A partner that you don’t have to split ownership with. If you’re a small to medium business owner, then you probably have a pretty good handle on what it is your company can do for others.
Why A Business Coach is Essential for Entrepreneurs
Whether this is the first business you’ve created or you’ve done this before, you already likely know that running your own business feels a bit like being pulled in a hundred directions at once. Every single day is busy, and it’s hard to decide what to prioritize and what can wait until after you’ve had your morning coffee. A business coach can do many things for you.
One key aspect where a business coach can help is ensuring you build attainable goals. Entrepreneurs tend to have big visions when it comes to what they want and how they plan to achieve it. Unfortunately, though, those visions can be a bit too big at times. A business coach can not only help you make sure your goals are both smart and realistic, but they can also help you come up with a plan that will actually help you get where you need to be. The process may be a long one that includes various goal setting exercises as well as evaluating what you’re already doing on a day-to-day basis and prioritizing. A coach who has worked with entrepreneurs in the past will help you decide on the best goals and the path forward.

Benefits Beyond Goal Setting
More than goal setting, though, business coaches help hold you accountable to those goals. Once you know what you’re capable of, a business coach will help you use your talents and abilities to get there. When you constantly have someone to hold you accountable, you’re less likely to get side-tracked, and business coaches are very good at helping you stay motivated.
Business coaches can also help you craft a business plan that will better define your overall objectives, financial picture, and marketing strategies. This documentation is absolutely essential to attract investors, build a stronger growth strategy, and track progress. Studies have shown that a business plan can help a company grow nearly 30% faster.
Contact AMB Performance Group to answer any of your questions about business coaching, or set up an appointment.

Profit Club
AMB Performance Group developed Profit Club utilizing the “5 Ways Accelerator” process to help you focus on five core areas of business development.ogram 1 details here

Group Coaching
AMB Performance Group 1 on 1 Coaching allows you to gain great knowledge, expand your education and gain a greater understanding of accountability.

1 on 1 Business Coaching
1 on 1 Coaching focuses solely on you. An accelerated program to help develop and execute long and short-term goals.
What can a business coach do for you?
Choosing the Right Business Coach for Entrepreneurs
Selecting the right coach isn’t an easy task, but you’ll want to narrow things down by only considering a business coach for entrepreneurs. While there are many different kinds of business coaches out there, those who specialize in working with entrepreneurs better understand what it’s like to create your own business and get it off the ground. Often these individuals will be able to help you step up your progress and achieve better results faster because they’ve been exactly where you are.
Building Instant Connection
You’ll also want to choose someone you are able to connect with instantly. Often business coaches offer a free first consultation to help determine whether the two of you will be able to work well together, and if that first meeting doesn’t go quite as you planned or your find yourself completely unable to relate to your coach, you may want to search for a different individual. Similarly, if you come across a coach who is unwilling to speak to you personally before you make a commitment to his or her services, you may want to look for other options. It’s tough to determine how compatible you might be with a coach if you can’t actually speak to him or her before you get started.
Choosing a Coach with Useful Tools and Resources
Finally, choose a coach who offers tools and resources that will actually be useful to you. Some coaches follow a fairly specific program with certain topics on a weekly basis and hands-on access to a variety of tools when you’re not working together. Others prefer less structure, giving the client access to the tools needed as issues arise. Find out what you can expect before you agree to a long-term contract.
At AMB, we’ve been working with entrepreneurs just like you for the past decade, and we’re ready to develop a plan to help you get on track. Explore our coaching options now.
Do you need a business coach?
AIn the end, only you can answer that, but here are some things to ask yourself when considering the decision. Are you feeling stuck, indecisive, or without good sources of advice? Are you nervous that you’ll take the wrong step when trying to bring your company to the next level? Would you value an outside unbiased point of view? Do you feel yourself getting sucked into an unchallenging routine of comfort? Are you seeking accountability? Would your business benefit from your expanded network? Do you know your weaknesses? If so, are you actively doing something to combat them? Are you looking for clarity? Are you a small business? Medium business? If any or all of those sound like you, then it’s worth looking into. Not saying you must need a business coach if you answered yes, but it’s worth having some initial conversations.
Ask yourself this question, why do the most elite athletes in the world have a coach? Because no matter where you are, having someone looking in can always make you better.
As in many industries, there are (unfortunately) a lot of people out there who call themselves business coaches, build a website and attract clients, all without having gone through real training or ever building any kind of business themselves beforehand. So, what should you look for in a business coach? Well, you should look for proof of tangible results. Statistics from other businesses that the coach has worked with. In some cases, it may be worth looking into the industries that the coach’s past or current clients are in. Client testimonials are a good starting point when considering an online business coach. And ask around your network. Does anyone you know work with a business coach? What have they said about their experience? This could be telling one way or another. But the coach who is right or wrong for one person may be the inverse for you. So, to go further, you want to ask the right questions of a prospective business coach when having the initial phone call or meeting. Ask about results and methodology and past industry experience, but make sure they are asking the right questions of you as well. Then what it will come down to is personal fit. Is this someone you would be excited to partner with? If you’ve checked all of those boxes, then you’ll have your answer.
What do online business coaches do?
AFirst, we have a discovery call where we try to get a sense of the kind of help that you’re looking for, your pain points, and if we think our services are a good fit for your situation. Then, if we choose to proceed, then we’ll have a standing appointment with you—usually weekly—to create specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound goals and check in on them. We believe coaching offers and helps you build a path to being a better leader, with concrete checkpoints along the way. At one point, you created a vision for your business. But with growth and time, that vision may have changed, or you may feel that it’s ready to change. We help you realize that vision or help mold the new one. One part support, one part teacher, one part motivator.
Who is a good candidate for coaching?
ALike many things, coaching is not for everyone. There’s no magic potion! Growing a business requires an open mind, stamina, and a willingness to learn and take some measured risks. Simply put: it’s hard work, and you have to be ready to leave ego at the door in order to have an open mind to learn.
Can my business afford a coach?
AWe know that businesses come in all sizes, and we have programs designed for large and small companies, as well as everything in between. The question to ask yourself and your leadership should be: are you open-minded and willing to put in the work? This will define whether you find the investment a valuable one.