AMB Performance Group Blog

How to Manage Quiet Quitters

Posted on: December 19, 2022
Hiring and Retaining Employees

Have you ever had an employee come to work and just do the bare minimum? Well, today, they would be considered a ‘Quiet Quitter’. What exactly is quiet quitting? We have a whole other blog post on that here: What is Quiet Quitting and Why Does it Matter? But quiet quitting occurs when employees become disengaged from their duties, so the bare minimum is fine with them. It’s mostly about motivation and inspiration, and it’s a trend that is sweeping social media.

It’s not just a Millennial or Gen Z thing, but that’s where the phrase came from. We’ve compiled three main tips to help decision-makers manage people with this attitude toward work.

Compensate Your Employees Well

One of the leading causes of quiet quitting is inadequate compensation. While not always beneficial, people can tolerate working harder, and for long hours, if the pay is good enough.

When you pay your employees less than they are worth, they often feel unappreciated. As a result, they put in less effort while also looking for jobs with higher pay. Employees are feeling more entitled to this now since we have been in such a tight labor market over the last few years. There are more openings than there are applicants, so employees feel they have more leverage.

Employees feel disrespected when they are given more responsibilities without the pay raise to accompany them. This shows disrespect for their time and effort. They start to feel as though you are exploiting them, and they may start looking for something better.

Listen to Your Employees

More often than not, it’s usually an issue of the employee airing their concerns, and the employer neglecting to take action. When you don’t listen, they lose faith in you as the employer and the entire organization. Empathy is a powerful leadership skill that every manager or employer should have. It plays an important role in preventing quiet quitting since employees feel more valued. Listening to your employees is one of the most important ways of re-engaging quiet quitters.

Maintain Boundaries

As an employer, you can understand that your employees have a life outside of work. But the Pandemic threw everyone’s work-life balance into the spotlight, and many people reevaluated their lifestyles. So now, more people than ever feel irritated when employers overstep and intrude on employees’ personal time.

If certain things are unavoidable, try to compensate the employee. For example, if they stay late for a meeting, you can compensate them by allowing them to leave early the next day.

How to Manage Quiet Quitters; Get Professional Management Coaching

Employees are your company’s most valuable asset. If you don’t meet their needs, they may quit, and not just quietly, which will set you back in terms of training and recruiting.

The above tips should help you learn how to manage quiet quitters. If you don’t know where to start, you can consult with experts to learn how to manage your employees. Contact us today if you need someone with decades of management experience to help you make the best decisions for your company.

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