AMB Performance Group Blog

5 Keys to a Successful Business

Posted on: February 22, 2021
Business Success

General Colin Powell once said, “There are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work, and learning from failure.” General Powell is right. In business and life, success doesn’t come from a secret recipe that some have, and some don’t. Instead, it comes from understanding what’s involved, and while the keys to a successful business may seem like a mystery for some, the reality is that they’re no mystery. Instead, they’re a clear-cut roadmap that virtually any business owner can follow. Know these five key factors for business success, and your company will move forward.

#1: Keep Your Research Current

Business in any vertical demands lots of research. If customers want what you have to offer, you’ve got a good fit for your target market, but make sure you know what that target market is, what fits within that market, and the right price point for your products or services. You may have to shift that research as time goes by. You may also need to change your business plan as those changes happen to help you stay on track. The pandemic, for example, changed a lot of business models, demographics, and buying trends. Doing your research is not a one-and-done equation. Instead, it’s an ongoing commitment to your products. Analyze your customers, your competition, and the market regularly, and you’ll see success.

#2: Surround Yourself with the Right Team

If you’re like most CEOs of small businesses, you can’t do it all. You have to surround yourself with the right team, so you know who to hire when they walk through your door and who to get rid of when it’s just not working. You want team members who can do the job while fitting in with your company’s vision and culture. Keep in mind that this applies as much to your consultants as it does to your direct team. If your accounting firm, for example, has never worked in your vertical, you may need to find someone who has if you’re going to meet your goals.

#3: Know the Financials

No matter what metrics you’ve identified as a way to define success for your company, at the end of the day, it’s going to be the business’ finances that define success for you. Know what that means. Understand how to create a financial plan, how to understand your company’s financial metrics, and how to make things work in your favor. While you’ll undoubtedly want a bookkeeper or an accountant for help, have enough of your own knowledge to know what you’re seeing and be able to understand when the numbers are working in your favor and when they’re not. Know both what’s coming into your business and what’s going out so you can make the strategic decisions necessary to propel your company forward. Cash flow problems shut down more businesses than you can imagine every year, and often it’s merely a lack of understanding of how the money should work within a company.

#4: Plan for Success

Good businesses consistently make plans. They know when to make sacrifices, identify what should come next, plan for busy periods, and plan for consistency within the company. You should continually plan and revise those plans to meet your needs. You’ll want creative marketing approaches around the holidays, which may take some planning. You’re likely to need continual organization to stay on top of things and get stuff done daily. You’ll need to know how to build a loyal customer base. All of these things require a solid plan for success. Don’t overlook the idea of how to scale up once your success begins to take shape!

#5: Take Action

Doing your homework and getting everything in order is essential, but so is moving forward. While you’ll always need to take time out to do a little future planning and a bit more homework, the truth is that if you don’t ever take that first step forward, you’re likely to miss an opportunity. Stop dreaming and planning when it’s time, then get started. Put your plans into practice and know-how to take advantage of an opportunity when one is presented to you.

There really isn’t a secret to success. Good research in the beginning and an understanding of where you’re going is really all it takes. If you’re ready to unlock the key factors for business success, contact AMB Performance Group.

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