Building a Sellable Business

Our Coaches pride themselves in being completely knowledgeable in regards to bringing you the latest and greatest in business growth options. We also take great pride in providing you with updates, news of interest, and tips to help you continue taking the wheel of your business and its success.

From handling workplace situations and team building to marketing and social media, you can find the answers you’re looking for to better your business and increase your knowledge base. We are always keeping an eye out for news, tools, and resources, so be sure to check-in frequently.

Building a Sellable Business

Checklist for Selling a Business

When you get ready to sell your business, you may feel like you’ve gone in over your head. It can seem a bit scary at times. The simple truth is that selling a business can be a bit intimidating. After all, smart buyers come to the table knowing quite a bit about your business and what it's worth, and…
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Building a Sellable Business

Building a Pandemic Proof Business Strategy for 2022

The Pandemic shook up everything. In some ways, there were small positive outcomes, but for most businesses, it was a threatening time. Many companies were caught off-guard, and it was tough to adapt to the drastically changing markets. What can you do to avoid being caught off-guard in the near future? Creating a pandemic-proof business plan may be the…
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Building a Sellable Business

How to Sell a Business in 7 Steps

The process of selling a business is complex, and if you are the impatient type, it can seem interminable! Plan on the sales process itself taking 12 months. And then plan on another 12 months before that for preparation. That’s right: planning for a sale is just as involved as the sale itself. This is a critical stage as…
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Building a Sellable Business

How Much Is My Business Worth?

It’s a good question and one that you want to spend a great deal of time and energy answering. The details matter. Accuracy matters. Facts, figures, and supporting evidence matter. As does maximizing your proceeds while also setting your business up for future success with someone else at the helm. (more…)
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Building a Sellable Business

7 Killer Tips to Build and Sell Your Business

As an entrepreneur, you know business is all about making a plan - and then a Plan B, C, all the way through to Z. Even if you do not intend to part ways with the company you worked so diligently to build, it is smart to leave that option open and available. In this article, we dive into…
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Building a Sellable Business

5 Steps to Preparing to Sell Your Business

You are preparing to sell your business. Excited? Confused? Overwhelmed? Petrified? Likely, you are somewhere in the middle of all these emotions. Rest assured, this is completely normal. It means you’re both human and a conscientious business owner! But it also indicates that you could use some guidance, and this is an important realization. (more…)
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