Business Valuation

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Business Valuation

What Is My Small Business Worth?

Many business owners today suggest their top goal is to eventually sell the company so they can fund their retirement. Unfortunately, analysts suggest most business owners won’t be able to sell their companies when they’re ready for one key reason - they’re not taking the necessary steps now to make that transition a simple one. One key step? Valuing…
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Business Valuation

Why Do a Business Valuation Report?

If you had to tell someone today what your business was worth, would you be able to do it? Many small business owners can’t, and it makes the process of doing a business valuation report that much more important. So, in this article, we help you answer the question of why do a business valuation report. What Is a Business…
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Business Valuation

Are Business Valuation Fees Tax Deductible?

Understanding the valuation of a business is critical for owners who need to make informed decisions about sales, investments, and growth strategies. A common concern that emerges during this process is the financial impact of business valuation fees, particularly whether they are tax-deductible. This comprehensive guide will explore the intricacies of business valuations, the role of professionals in the…
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Business Valuation

Who Pays for Business Valuation? The Seller or the Buyer?

Determining the value of your business is a crucial step – whether or not owners/partners are interested in selling or not. This information can be utilized in a multitude of ways, from informing solid financial decisions and creating targeted marketing strategies to complying with requirements of divorce proceedings and satisfying IRS guidelines. It is not an insignificant undertaking: it…
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Business Valuation

What are the Different Business Valuation Methods?

If you’re like most business owners, your business is your “baby.” You have raised it from concept to viable company, weathering the inevitable growing pains. It is difficult to view the business from an objective point of view – and this is exactly what is necessary when it comes to determining the value of the organization. A business valuation…
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Business Valuation

Top 7 Reasons Why Business Valuation is Needed

The only constant is change. This is a perennial tenant of the business world.  But now, more than ever, it holds true. In a time of constant change and evolution, it is necessary to take every step possible to keep up, get ahead, and prepare for the future, whatever that may hold. This is why it is a smart…
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Business Valuation

How to Do a Small Business Valuation

Whether you are buying or selling a small business, it will behoove you to understand the various methods of business valuation. If you are a small business seller who finds yourself ready to sell your business for one reason or another, then you will be particularly interested in learning more about this crucial process. And if you’ve landed on…
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Business Valuation

The Importance of Business Valuation

For some companies, having an educated and informed understanding of what their business is worth economically may not be on the shortlist of things to accomplish. The problem might signal a lack of awareness about the importance of business valuation. For some companies, not having a business valuation done may simply be an oversight.  After all, there are so many…
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