
Our Coaches pride themselves in being completely knowledgeable in regards to bringing you the latest and greatest in business growth options. We also take great pride in providing you with updates, news of interest, and tips to help you continue taking the wheel of your business and its success.

From handling workplace situations and team building to marketing and social media, you can find the answers you’re looking for to better your business and increase your knowledge base. We are always keeping an eye out for news, tools, and resources, so be sure to check-in frequently.

Business Finances

What is a Good Profit Margin for Small Business?

For small business owners, understanding profit margins is less about adhering to static benchmarks and more about dynamic financial management that aligns with industry standards, operational efficiency, and market conditions. Profit margins can serve as critical indicators of a company's financial health and its operational and strategic prowess. Here, we delve deeper into what is a good profit margin…
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