Lake Worth Business Coach

Our business is helping you. Our success is tied to how well we can help you succeed.

Helping You Grow as a Leader!

Developing Your Leadership Skills

When you begin to realize that you’ve found success with your company, new obstacles may emerge in your path. While they’re not likely to stop you, they may slow your growth as a leader and your push forward as a company.

If you’re like most people, at this point, you’re willing to put in the same level of hard work you did as you created your company. After all, that’s what got you this far, right? Unfortunately, though, reaching new heights as a company means the strategies you once used to grow just aren’t going to work the same way.

Consulting a Lake Worth business coach, though, can help rebuild your company’s drive so you can continue to push forward.

Small Business coaching

Our Coaching Services

If you’re searching for a business coach in Lake Worth, we’re the one place you want to turn thanks to our unique philosophy. Our goal doesn’t involve a cookie-cutter approach that means a workbook we developed decades ago for a different time in place. Instead, it involves one thing – you. 

We’re the kind of coach who functions more like a business partner than a coach screaming on the sidelines. We know you already have a solid handle on what your company does well. You already have a sense of your value proposition and what sets you apart from your Lake Worth competitors and those in the industry as a whole. Where you might be having issues, though, is where we come into the picture. We can help you balance your day-to-day operations and plan for the future of your company. 

You’re already good at making it work right now, but if you’re ever going to spark new growth, you may not know how to make it happen. There are just too many directions to turn at once from handling the day-to-day to finding the right team to literally developing the plan to follow. 

Feel like you shouldn’t be struggling with those problems? They’re a celebration, right? It’s tough to celebrate when they’re consuming you and everyone in the company is looking at you to hand them the next order of business. It’s easy to feel overwhelmed at that point. That’s where a business coach comes into the picture. 

Contact AMB Performance Group to answer any of your questions about business coaching, or set up an appointment.

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Profit Club

AMB Performance Group developed Profit Club utilizing the “5 Ways Accelerator” process to help you focus on five core areas of business development.

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Group Coaching

AMB Performance Group 1 on 1 Coaching allows you to gain great knowledge, expand your education and gain a greater understanding of accountability.

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1 on 1 Business Coaching

1 on 1 Coaching focuses solely on you. An accelerated program to help develop and execute long and short-term goals.

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What can a business coach do for you?

Take a look at a few business coaches online and you’ll quickly see lists of advice about what to do in this situation and that one. Our Lake Worth business coaches don’t work that way. We have strategies that we’ve used in our own companies and with others in the past, but it’s not just about turning to page 17 of some manual and finding the solution. Instead, we’re here to be your partner. We know how to ask the right questions so together, we can come up with a clear choice that will spell success for your business.

looking into the future.

You’ve done something amazing in creating your business, and we know that. We’re here to bring some advice and a listening ear to the table. We’ve worked with other business owners just like you who have faced the same complications, so we know what works and what doesn’t. All of our Lake Worth business coaches are business owners themselves, too, so we’ve been in your shoes!

What does our coaching strategy really look like? It’s about leadership. Leadership isn’t a mystical power. Instead, it’s a set of skills that almost anyone can develop, and we’ll serve as the catalyst to help you build those skills. When you hone your leadership skill set, everyone around you will grow too, helping your business to succeed.

We’re not business consultants. They simply look for the source of the problem, then fix it. As business coaches, we listen, build your leadership skills, offer insights, and help you figure out which direction might be right for your company. Maybe our most important job, though, is holding you accountable. You’re the leader of your company. They look to you for foresight and wisdom. Those around you simply aren’t going to hold you accountable when it comes to developing as a leader. We will, though.

Every session with our Lake Worth business coaches means the hard answers you need to hear. It’s access to the bigger picture that you’re sometimes just too close to see. Right now, you’re in your comfort zone. With us, we’ll help you work outside of that space where you feel safe and tackle your fears.

We’ll set out a clear path forward. Our unique Action COACH tools will help support you when you need it most. Throughout our time together, we can help you set SMART goals, build a stronger network, and get a handle on your schedule. All of that translates to one thing for your company – an increase in profits and revenue streams.

Where are you going? Let our Lake Worth business coaches help you get there. Contact us today to learn more.

  • Q

    How do you find the right online business coach for you?


    As in many industries, there are (unfortunately) a lot of people out there who call themselves business coaches, build a website and attract clients, all without having gone through real training or ever building any kind of business themselves beforehand. So, what should you look for in a business coach? Well, you should look for proof of tangible results. Statistics from other businesses that the coach has worked with. In some cases, it may be worth looking into the industries that the coach’s past or current clients are in. Client testimonials are a good starting point when considering an online business coach. And ask around your network. Does anyone you know work with a business coach? What have they said about their experience? This could be telling one way or another. But the coach who is right or wrong for one person may be the inverse for you. So, to go further, you want to ask the right questions of a prospective business coach when having the initial phone call or meeting. Ask about results and methodology and past industry experience, but make sure they are asking the right questions of you as well. Then what it will come down to is personal fit. Is this someone you would be excited to partner with? If you’ve checked all of those boxes, then you’ll have your answer.

  • Q

    Is there a guarantee on my investment?


    As a matter of fact, yes. If you put in the work with us, we guarantee a 3X return on your investment within the first year, or we will coach you for free until you achieve what we promise.

  • Q

    Can my business afford a coach?


    We know that businesses come in all sizes, and we have programs designed for large and small companies, as well as everything in between. The question to ask yourself and your leadership should be: are you open-minded and willing to put in the work? This will define whether you find the investment a valuable one.

  • Q

    What do online business coaches do?


    First, we have a discovery call where we try to get a sense of the kind of help that you’re looking for, your pain points, and if we think our services are a good fit for your situation. Then, if we choose to proceed, then we’ll have a standing appointment with you—usually weekly—to create specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound goals and check in on them. We believe coaching offers and helps you build a path to being a better leader, with concrete checkpoints along the way. At one point, you created a vision for your business. But with growth and time, that vision may have changed, or you may feel that it’s ready to change. We help you realize that vision or help mold the new one. One part support, one part teacher, one part motivator.

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There is no greater reward, than the success of our clients.

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