Starting a small business can be both extremely difficult, and reassuringly rewarding. But managing what many consider to be the financial minutia, such as the capital, assets, losses, debts, and liabilities can be draining. You can have superior knowledge in your industry or a strategic or competitive advantage, but if accounting isn’t your strong suit, you could be accidentally…
AMB Performance Group Blog
Our Coaches pride themselves in being completely knowledgeable in regards to bringing you the latest and greatest in business growth options. We also take great pride in providing you with updates, news of interest, and tips to help you continue taking the wheel of your business and its success.
From handling workplace situations and team building to marketing and social media, you can find the answers you’re looking for to better your business and increase your knowledge base. We are always keeping an eye out for news, tools, and resources, so be sure to check-in frequently.
Retaining Employees During the Quiet Quitting Fad
Posted on December 08, 2022
Quiet quitting seems to be gaining popularity where overwhelmed or overworked employees work the bare minimum to their job descriptions, not going beyond what is expected. A 2022 Gallup Global Workplace Report revealed that only 9% of workers in the United Kingdom were enthusiastically engaged in their work. Similar trends have been reported in the US. Therefore, business owners,…
Top 10 Small Business Management Tips
Posted on December 02, 2022
Managing a small business is one of the most underrated things out there. Even the highest level of commitment doesn't guarantee success, and keeping up with the ever-changing consumer demands and market dynamics is no easy feat. While there's no rule of thumb on making a business successful, these small business management tips could be what you need to…
Why Office Space Management is So Important for Your Small Business
Posted on November 29, 2022
Imagine not having enough space to fit the essential requirements in your organization to the point where you can't even accommodate new employees. Or having excess space not being utilized, especially now when workplaces are adopting a hybrid work environment. How counterproductive would that be for your business? This is the reality most small businesses today are grappling with…
Company Management: Keys to Success
Posted on November 22, 2022
Learning how to best go about implementing company management strategies and standard operating procedures is no easy task. Businesses rely heavily on data. So it is a science, but it is also an art form. Doing everything right still isn’t guaranteed to lead to success. You can be a great leader, yet not a great manager, and the other…
How to Prevent Quiet Quitting
Posted on November 17, 2022
If you spend any amount of time around the young generation, you'll notice that they love giving new names to old things. This time, the trending misnomer around the workplace is "quiet quitting." This term refers to workers who do the bare minimum in the workplace and never go above and beyond to meet a company's stretch goals. Such…
What is Quiet Quitting and Why Does it Matter?
Posted on November 01, 2022
As coaches who have worked in various corporate settings, we've seen a lot of different types of quitting. We’ve been getting asked by our clients over the last few months, “what is quiet quitting?” While some people hand in their two weeks' notice and leave on good terms, and others just stop showing up and never come back, yet…
Where are the Business Opportunities in a Recession?
Posted on October 27, 2022
A recession can be a scary time for business owners. Worries about whether or not to lay off staff, how to keep customers coming in the door, and where the next paycheck will come from can be constants during tough times. But even in a recession, there are opportunities for businesses to succeed. Don't give up. Here are places…
5 Ways to Shore Up Your Business
Posted on October 22, 2022
Are you feeling a little uneasy about your business? Maybe you're not making as much money as you'd like, or you're not seeing the growth you had hoped for. Don't worry - you're not alone. Every business goes through ups and downs, and there are steps you can take to help shore up your business. Check out these five…
6 Lessons Learned from Past Recessions
Posted on October 20, 2022
No one ever wants to go through a recession, but it can be beneficial in the long run. We can be better prepared for future recessions by learning from our past mistakes. Here are six lessons that we can learn from past recessions.
1. Keep your expenses low
Lessons from past recessions have shown that it is essential to keep your…